The AGSC is aware of the mental health and well-being challenges that come with this vocation.
Being a screen composer comes with certain demands on our physiological and psychological selves. Recent empirical studies of screen composers in Australia and the United Kingdom show alarming results in the areas of anxiety and depression*.
Anxiety and depression are high-risk factors for our members – that means you.
When we saw these reports* we decided to act. Specifically, those in our industry are:
- 10 times more likely to experience symptoms of anxiety than the general population
- 5 times more likely to experience symptoms of depression than the general population
- and have 3 times the level of sleep disorders than the general population
Recently we heard from Access EAP, the people that Support Act use to take calls when anyone uses the Support Act Helpline.
They reported that the challenges faced by people in the music industry could be grouped into the following topics:
- Low and irregular income
- Few (not many) safety nets
- Transience
- The working environment
- Competitive landscape
- Short term nature of work
- Physical strain
- Substance misuse, and
- Outsider status.
The report expanded on the Barriers to Seeking Help for those in the music industry.
- Stigma
- “They won’t understand my crazy job or lifestyle”
- Lack of awareness of own condition
- Not knowing where to go
- Lack of resources
- Lack and support, and
- Fear of treatment.
This data is very valuable and provides a direct insight into why our people are and are not reaching out for help.
We have come to acknowledge that the mental health and wellbeing of our members is an important aspect of being a screen composer, and we will continue to communicate strategies to assist our members wherever we can.
The AGSC wants to equip you with the best resources available just in case you need to use them.
Of course, this may not apply to you. However if it does or you have any doubt, you’ll know where to turn. Importantly, we are not replacing your relationship with your medical professional.
Click here for a summary presentation on mental health symptoms and treatments.
* Working in the Australian Entertainment Industry (2016) by Victoria University and commissioned by Entertainment Assist. Read a summary here.
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Phone: 1300 22 4636

Phone: 13 11 14

Phone: 1800 959 500