Do I automatically own the copyright and publishing in my music?
YES. Unless you are directly employed by someone at the time and/or have made a prior agreement, all rights in the music and the recording of that music automatically reside with you upon creation. This includes the publishing. You do not need to register your work, pay any fees or fill in any forms for it to be protected. Copyright protection is automatic, both in Australia and overseas. As soon as you write down your lyrics or music, or record it onto any medium, such as a WAV or MP3 file, CD or tape, it will be protected by copyright. The only requirement is that the work is original (i.e. it is not copied) and the result of some skill or effort on your part.
What are royalties, and what is the difference between the Writer’s share and the so-called Publisher’s share?
This is a very important question. Please have a look at our Resources page on Royalties for answers.
How do I register my musical works so that I can receive royalties?
Join APRA AMCOS! Royalties are our lifeline. When the fees are low your royalties are often the only thing between you and the poverty line for the emerging composer. They help even out the trough between commissions and will keep the lights on. Regard them as your superannuation! Once you’ve joined, register each musical work you create in the APRA AMCOS Writer Portal, or in the APRA AMCOS Music Creators App, so you can get paid!
What is a cue sheet?
A cue sheet is a list of all the music and songs used in a film and television production. APRA AMCOS requires these for every locally produced program broadcast in Australia because they distribute royalties on the public performance (in this case, broadcasting) of the work. Unless you or the producers properly identify all the music used in a production, log this on a cue sheet and submit it to APRA AMCOS you will not be paid your royalties. Make sure that the details of each musical work matches your APRA AMCOS work registrations. More info here.
The production company wants to take some of my APRA AMCOS royalties. Can they do this?
If you assign part or all of your publishing to a client then they may be entitled to a share of the so-called publisher’s share of the royalties (for more information on royalties visit our Royalties resources page). Some networks or large production companies now have an affiliated publisher collecting on their behalf and may ask for this. While granting your publishing is commonplace in the USA it is not commonplace to assign your publishing in Australia, although it is becoming more so. If a client insists on a share of the publishing it might be wise to satisfy yourself that they can comprehensively exploit the work, especially in territories or via avenues where public performance revenues are highest. For example, free-to-air television attracts much higher royalty rates than streaming services where royalty payouts are vanishingly small. Some countries collect comprehensive and generous royalties negotiated by their performing rights organisation but other countries don’t even have a PRO and so do not collect royalties on your behalf. Try to negotiate to retain a higher proportion of your publishing royalties. If this is not possible, modifying the terms of your license, including a guarantee of future work on subsequent productions in your contract, (known as ‘first right of refusal’) or permitting you to reuse and re-exploit the Master recording are all possible ways to compensate you for the loss of your publishing should the fee remain low. Remember though, that the maximum a publisher can claim is 50% of the overall and in the absence of a contractual agreement, the publishing automatically resides with the composer.
What rights does a film maker need to acquire to use my music in their film? Does the music client need to own the copyright in the Music and or the Master recording to use my music?
How do I get a gig scoring for film and TV?
How do I find out what productions are being commissioned and made?
What are the rights controlled by (or vested in) APRA AMCOS?
What shall I charge for the job I’ve just been offered?
Are fees, conditions and contractual norms the same for composers here in Australia as for composers overseas?
Do I need to have a publisher to be commissioned to score a picture?
My contact uses the term work-for-hire, buyout, or direct license. What does this mean?
What are moral rights?
Moral rights are a legal obligation to protect the relationship between artists and their work.
In Australia there are 3 moral rights:
the right of a creator to be named as the work’s author or creator (the right of attribution)
the right not to have their work falsely attributed to another (the right against false attribution)
the right to protect their work from unauthorised alteration, distortion or other derogatory treatment that prejudices his/her honour and reputation (the right of integrity).
However the third point is most often difficult for a Producer to uphold, because most films need the right to alter the music for multiple versions of the film. For example, to meet TV time slots, to incorporate advertisements, foreign language and in-flight versions etc) where consultation with the composer is not possible. Hence, many (actually most) film commissions/agreements ask a composer to consent this right to the Producer.
Therefore, to protect the first two points of a creator’s moral rights as noted above, the composer should make sure their contractual agreement with the Producer includes a section where the Producer is legally compelled to credit the Composer (right of attribution and the right against false attribution) on all copies of the film, and in equal prominence to other key creatives.
For further information on moral rights see here and here for more information
How do I join the AGSC board?
It is easy. All financial Full Members of the AGSC are most welcome to join the Board. The Board has a minimum of 6 and a maximum of 8 elected members. Nomination forms are sent out to all financial members 4 weeks prior to the Annual General Meeting, which is held withing 5 months of the end of the Financial Year, usually in September. Just fill it out and email it in. If there are more than 8 nominees it then goes to a vote. In addition, if any Board member is not at a meeting then any Full Member of the AGSC is entitled to step into their seat as an “alternate” board member with full voting rights.
Can I come to board meetings even if I’m not on the board?
All members are most welcome to come to Board meetings. If you would like to come along please email Annie Parnell – – and ask her to advise you of the next Board meeting.
Do board members, including the president and vice-president get paid to be on the AGSC board?
No, it is a labour of love for all and a way for composers to contribute back to their community.