The AGSC’s Industrial Relations Committee, chaired by Antony Partos, are actively involved in lobbying government including Senators, MPs and Ministerial advisers on a range of issues that affect the screen industry, the screen music sector and screen composers.
Key Issues the AGSC has been responding to, across the Department of Communications and Arts and the Taxation Department include:
- Screen Production Incentives Legislation
- Media Reforms for Modernising Television Regulation, including regulation of streaming services (SVODs)
- Broadcasting Amendments Legislation
- Inquiry in the Creative and Cultural Industries and Institutions.
Our advocacy has taken place alongside our screen colleagues in other guilds and organisations such as the ADG, AWG, MEAA, APVA, ACS, APDG, ASSG and others. This has occurred through the network of screen guilds and associations as well as with APRA AMCOS, on the screen music front. There’s a lot still to do, and we welcome any contributions from our members. Please contact us at if you’d like to know more or get involved in this important work.